The Boerewors Express has been around, in various forms, since May 1998. It is an independent, private publication.
Writer, artist and student at 65
Nanette Spurway (65) is a busy lady. This artist lives in Atlasville, has won the Ekurhuleni Art Prize and has published a number of novels. She started studying art at the age of 59 by enrolling for an English literature course at Unisa. Nanette had chosen literature after one of her manuscripts was rejected by a publisher. One of her subjects was art history and she soon started on another degree, in art. She is now busy with her fourth year. While doing two degrees by correspondence, she also published two novels. She won the Ekurhuleni art competition with a piece, Building Ice, that was part of her degree work. It was a last minute entry that she set up with the help of her gardener, Justin Luhanga, as he was the only one with free time to help her. This has led to Justin enrolling at Unisa to study art next year.