The Boerewors Express has been around, in various forms, since May 1998. It is an independent, private publication.
Controversial book
When the pro-SA book "Why I'll Never Live in Oz Again, or the UK, Canada or New Zealand for That Matter" was released last year, it led to flurry of e-mail and Web site debates. Grant Schreiber, co-owner of Schreiber Publications, expects the same now that the revised edition has been released. This edition has updated interviews with the authors of each chapter of the first edition. Andrew Donaldson, who wrote about the UK, is still optimistic about SA and believes that there is a good future ahead for SA. The UK-born John Wardall, who wrote about Canada, has changed his opinion of Canada. He's been living in Cape Town since 1992 with his South African wife, but is considering moving to Canada again. The five authors are male journalists; ages range from 30 to 60; two of them are married; three are non-South Africans who have chosen to live here since the early 1990s.