The Boerewors Express has been around, in various forms, since May 1998. It is an independent, private publication.
Lindy Bruce (née Rushmere) launched her first book in Port Elizabeth last year. The book, Motherhood and Me, came into being when Lindy was living on Fogo Island, Newfoundland, Canada. Her husband Bruce was a doctor there. They have three children - Murray, Rosie and Alastair. The family now lives in Cape Town. Lindy's family lives in Port Elizabeth - parents Twinks and Colin, her brother Mark and his wife Lauren, as well as brother Graeme and his wife Belinda. Lindy has an Economics and Industrial Psychology degree from Stellenbosch University. She also has a post-graduate diploma in advertising. Lindy is a self-described optimist, but found it hard to adapt to life in Newfoundland. The tiny island had 3 000 inhabitants, and only a ferry in and out. Without the loving support and comfort of nearby family and close friends, Lindy started keeping a journal as an outlet for her feelings. This proved useful when the family returned to South Africa four years ago, and she started running workshops on being a new mother. From these workshops and her journal, she wrote the book.