Cindy Purchase of Linden, Johannesburg, came up with a way to help make her suburb a better place. The stay-at-home mother and former national squash champion decided to form a block guard and introduced herself to her neighbours. That was the start of the Linden Community Blockwatch. The neighbours exchanged phone numbers and alerted each other when they were away. This later developed into a street watch. Last December the blockwatch used a security company's services and had a guard patrol their street. This was done on a trial basis as the company did not have foot patrols, but was willing to test the idea. It worked and the guards were used at Easter again. A bank account was opened and the fees were paid by the participating households. Cindy used an aerial photo of Linden to divide the suburb into sections and group leaders were nominated. She also uses e-mail to keep the neighbours informed. Everyone in the blockwatch was issued with whistles to use as a warning system. Cindy also works with the local police station to stay up to date.
Cindy's plan can easily be replicated by other concerned citizens - start with your own block. Look at which security company is most widely used in the block. Contact the company and ask about street foot patrols. Choose a team that can co-ordinate, and get to know your neighbours and the next block. Have a block get-together now and then. Attend your local community policing forum meetings. Cindy can be reached at