The Boerewors Express has been around, in various forms, since May 1998. It is an independent, private publication.
Jani Allan in the USA
South African journalist Jani Allan (52) moved to the USA in 2001 and six months later she married an American. The marriage fell apart and Jani now lives in Pennsylvania. As a journalist with the Sunday Times in Johannesburg, she used to drive a red Ferrari. An encounter with the AWB leader, Eugéne Terre'Blance, led to a court case in London, where she had moved t, in 1992. Jani took the Channel 4 to court over their programme The Leader, the Driver and the Driver's Wife, in which they alledged he had an affair with Terre'Blanche. She lost the case and had to pay Channel 4 R1,5 million in legal costs. Jani returned to South Africa and worked at Cape Talk Radio for three years before being fired in October 2000. She was a model before journalism and was married to Gordon Schachat. She has written a book, White Sunset, about the break-up of white society in South Africa.